Friday, 7 August 2009


Ummm... i will be going to holiday which starts today and i didn't know until yesterday >_< which is my mum to blame since she was the one... anyway hopefully i will be posting pics n stuff If i can so u  can look forward to it ^^

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Haruhi... n school updates.

[caption id="attachment_173" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="FRONT COVER"]Image37[/caption]

Just got my order of Haruhi's 1st novel<hardback> after ordering it 3-4days ago:3 As for the contents of the book it has got a preview of the 1st manga book also illustrations... Also today I got my Year 10 report; which looks like I did pretty ok. Last not but not least only 4 more weeks <8th September> before going back to school which means i need to get my school work done ;_;

Saturday, 1 August 2009

work? love?

My work experience has ended and unlike some people; for me it was ok and had to do it for whole 2 week. Old news anyway let's get to the point.

[16:48] <Kristen> chibi-tan, will you marry me?

[16:49] <@chibi04> eto Kristen-chan...
[16:50] <@Yunno> chibi, say yes
[16:50] <@Yunno> nao
[16:50] <@Tyan> wow, Kristen is blunt
[16:50] <@chibi04> that came out fo no-where any reason for saying that?
[16:50] <Kristen> Because I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you
[16:51] * @Tyan pities chibi-chan
[16:52] <@Yunno> later :D
[16:52] <@chibi04> well... I do love/like <i don't know what one to choose> Kristen-chan but I don't think I'm the suitable one for Kristen-chan ^_^
[16:52] <@Suicider> Worlds Collide: WIN, TOTAL WIN -
[16:52] * @Kristen cries in a corner
[16:53] <@Suicider> Kristen, open that image
[16:53] <@Suicider> you'll cheer u p
[16:53] <@Suicider> up*

[16:53] <@Kristen> :)

One of my random chat in IRC on hitode-staff chan ^_^ Internet sure is fun ;3

p/s Kristen-chan is a girl >_< oh n chibi04 is me.

If somehow the person I love was a girl, what would I do?

<anime: Aio Hana. Theme: Shoujo-ai, Romance.  I'm wondering if I should watch it now or when it stop's airing>